Australian Media Places Blame For Pandemic On Fauci
Rightfully so. He and his associates paid for the research, paid for the “gain of function” ( a fancy way of saying making a bomb) and then lied, lied some more and then lied before Congress and the world – under oath (which is called perjury) and is still the highest paid government employee (which means he works for us – we are his boss).
We have warned, we have screamed, we have pleaded, we have reported, we have created videos, we have written articles, we have republished countless articles and videos and people still believe the lies spewing about a cold, okay, a flu. Yes, some have died. Guess what…most of the people that died – by the admission of the CDC, did not die from the Wuhan virus, it was another lie. Now athletes at the top of health are, literally, falling over dead in the middle of a game and no one says anything. It’s as if it is not happening. Children – you small children, that are receiving the injections are now dying from HEART ATTACKS and STROKES. LOOK IT UP.
Finally, some sanity is coming out of Australia. It’s as if they are seeing what is happening in Canada with the Freedom Convoy and don’t want a repeat of what was attempted a few months ago down under. If that happens in Australia, the effects of the stoppage will be equally as damaging as what is about to happen in Canada and the U.S.. The trucker will, of course, be blamed for the upcoming shortages of everything, which will be another lie.
If you believe anything coming from the government, we will pray for your mental health. If you believe anything coming from mainstream media we will pray for your mental health.
We have not said we believe the report below. We don’t believe anything will come from it. We believe in action. When the Australian, Canadian and U.S. governments change course from the direction they are all currently moving, we will then take their actions under consideration. Until then, we don’t believe a word they say.
🚨Bombshell Reports from Australia🚨
Australian Media Places Blame for the Pandemic on Fauci.
This will be echoed World Wide.
Part 1
— Logic (@LogicTurn) January 29, 2022
Part 3
— Logic (@LogicTurn) January 29, 2022
Part 5
— Logic (@LogicTurn) January 29, 2022
Here’s what we have been doing regrind the Wuhan virus…we have been reporting on the ill-effects, the lies and all the manipulation since March 2020. We first reported as “truth”, on January 26, 2020 on our other website, The Daily Coin. That tune changed quicker than quick.
— Ahjhi (FCKAMZN📦) (@bhunghee) January 29, 2022
if you can't see the lie covering the children's faces then you should seek mental help. #savethechildren #nomandates #unmaskourkids #liberalsareliars #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica
— TheDailyCoin (@RoryTDC) January 29, 2022